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and/or create a phpinfo page, drop it in web root of your site, access with browser to see if mysqli driver is loaded. php.ini settings: [opcache] opcache As Moodle 3.6 contains almost 10.000 php files it is recommended above that opcache.max_accelerated_files should be set to I have gone through several forums, StackOverflow tasks enabled php7.4_mysql extension uncommented the extension=mysqlnd.so in my php.ini file restarted the apache server but there is no use. Please let me know what exactly I am doing wrong. Moodle in English. Participants. Welcome to Moodle in English!
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php.ini with shared hosts. wrappers etc Moodle specific php.ini settings 2017-08-24 php.ini with hosted server. Some servers will not allow you to change the moodle root .htaccess file and tell you to use a php.ini file for php directives. Here you can use the instruction located in the section above called Modifying the php.ini file.
List of php.ini directives.
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Some servers will not allow you to change the moodle root .htaccess file and tell you to use a php.ini file for php directives. Here you can use the instruction located in the section above called Modifying the php.ini file. Find the php.ini file in your moodle subfolder on your hosted server.
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Moodle 3.6 requires PHP 7.0 or later; Moodle 3.7 and later require PHP 7.1 or later; PHP Settings. Check these settings in your php.ini or .htaccess file (if you're using Apache). For settings which use ON/OFF as their values, you can substitute 1 for ON and 0 for OFF if you prefer. If you change php.ini, don't forget to restart the server. A general listing of core directives that can be placed in php.ini can be found here. Remember that various versions of php have changed what are allowable directives in php.ini. Make sure you use a real text editor and make sure you back up any file before editing it.
On systems that run EasyApache 3, the /usr/local/lib/ directory contains your server’s php.ini file..
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• Install Moodle on Mac with MAMP. • Examples of what you can do. • Some moodle settings.
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Configuring the PHP.ini file . machine to Moodle then add the machine to your Windows Domain.