snaums/mvoCI: My Very Own CI-server - Makefile at master


vars.go · master · packages / tools / amber-packer · GitLab

section .text. global _main. _main: mov eax, 0. main_loop: push eax. clc.

Master main github

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Merge pull request #18 from marbles-box/master. inspector gadget dum de committad av GitHub. förälder. 66d91bc4b1 -80,7 +80,7 @@ int main(void). } if (! master. Rey Koxha 4 år sedan.


Merge branch 'master' of

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Master main github

Merge branch 'master' into github-fork · 18eb7ac27e - b3rmit - Gitea

$ git merge   Handles toggling the main navigation menu for small screens. */. jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {. var $browserWidth = $( window ).width();. branch: master. Switch branches ×.

Master main github

} if (! master.
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Master main github

(NOTE: This is no longer needed, set below) git checkout master git fetch git branch -m master main git push -u origin main. Go to the Settings on GitHub (Settings > Branches > Default Branch)or GitLab (Settings > Repository > Default Branch) and change the default branch to main. Delete remote master branch.

This video shows you how to initialize your git repo and then change the default branch from master to main. 「GitHub」が新規作成リポジトリのデフォルトブランチ名を「master」から「main」に変更した。その背景には、差別的な言葉をなくそうとする世界的 MAST home-page and software are provided as is. Therefore, the MAST authors cannot be held responsible for any harm resulting from the use of the homepage or the software. In particular, the MAST authors cannot be held responsible for content of web pages of other authors linked to or from the MAST homepage tree.
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D:\github\WindowsTerminalHere [master] > git branch -m master main D:\github\WindowsTerminalHere [main] > git push -u origin main Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: remote: Create a pull request for 'main' on GitHub by visiting: Tobias is the CEO of Tower, the popular Git desktop client that helps more than 100,000 developers. Until recently, almost every Git repository had a default branch named "master".

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spegling av Bevaka Merge branch 'master' into 'master'.