Kapitel 5 Historik, artiklar och referenser Hälsoprofilbedömning
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] e- ISSN: 1748-1716 Periode: [2006 .. ] Språk: Engelsk. Utgiverland: Storbritannia. Biography; Teaching; Research; Publications days of simulated shift work reduces insulin sensitivity in humans' Acta Physiologica 0-0 , DOI Open access.
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Publishers own the rights to the articles in their journals. Anyone who wants to read the articles should pay by individual or institution to access the articles. Acta Physiologica Key Factor Analysis Publication Fee There is no publication fee for submiting manuscript to Acta Physiologica. Acta Physiologica is Subscription-based (non-OA) Journal.
Blackwell Science Publications, Oxford. Wierenga, H.K., 1982.
Sahlin, Kent - DiVA
Acta Physiologica provides financial support to a variety of FEPS-activities as well as facilitates the publication of invited reviews and special issues from frontline symposia within Europe. In addition abstracts from meetings where FEPS is a partner or from meetings of the national societies are regularly published on the Acta Physiologica Acta Physiologiae Plantarum is an international journal established in 1978 that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of plant physiology. The coverage ranges across this research field at various levels of biological organization, from relevant aspects in molecular and cell biology to biochemistry.
Blood biomarkers in male and female participants after an
ISSNs. Print: 0231-424X; Electronic: 1588-2683. URL. Vascular Physiology. Publishing year. 1979.
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Linn Hermansson, Aylin Yilmaz, R.W. Price et al Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Acta Physiologica. Number of publications: 196499. Sort. Year, Title Publication type: Journal article, reviewed. Publication year Published in: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
av K Alm · Citerat av 1 — Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 149, 199-204.
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It is the official journal of the Federation of European Physiological Societies. 2021-04-22 · Acta Physiologiae Plantarum is an international journal established in 1978 that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of plant physiology. The coverage ranges across this research field at various levels of biological organization, from relevant aspects in molecular and cell biology to biochemistry.
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First published: January 1954. av A Carlsson · 1966 — Arvid Carlsson · Search for more papers by this author. First published: August 1966. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-1716.1966.tb03310.x.
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Published by the chemical societies of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.