Nordisk medicinsk literatur från år 1871 - Wiley Online Library
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The opposite is true when the ankle is flexed. The gastrocnemius muscle is one of the calf muscles (triceps surae) in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg which sits superficial to the much larger soleus muscle. It gives the calf its distinctive two-headed appearance and is a primary plantar flexor. Gastrocnemius: The gastrocnemius is a very potent superficial bipennate muscle that is in the back part of the lower leg muscles. It moves from its two heads just over the knee to the heel, a two joint muscle. Origin: Lower posterior surface of the femur above the medial condyle. Lateral head from the lateral surface […] Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version.
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triceps surae, tillsammans med nämnda m. gastrocnemius. Muskeln har ett långt ursprung, från baksidan av caput fibula, proximala 1/3 av fibulas posteriora yta, linea m. solei och mellersta 1/3 av tibias mediala kant.
Der Musculus gastrocnemius wird vom Nervus tibialis, einem Ast des Nervus ischiadicus, innerviert.
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The muscle is also a powerful knee flexor. It is not able to exert full power at both joints simultaneously, for example when the knee is flexed, gastrocnemius is unable to generate as much force at the ankle.
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The Gastrocnemius works together with the Soleus to produce the following movements: Jumping. Leaping.
M. Cillary. · M. Sphincter pupillae. · De flesta ögonmuskler (utom från 4, 6).
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soleus, som har en sena. Kalvmuskeln, m. gastrocnemius.Muskelstart:från Innervation:Blodtillförsel:lateral talus, peroneal artär.
axillaris? A. Mm levator C. M. gastrocnemius och m. tibialis posterior. Ursprung: höftben (Coxa) för M. Rectus Femoris, övriga muskler utgår från lårbenet (Femur) Fäste: skenben (Tibia) ytliga vadmuskeln (M.
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gastrocnemius + m. soleus) till Innervationen sker av n. peroneus superficialis.
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gastrocnemius). trapezius) eller stora breda ryggmuskeln (m. latissimus dorsi). Musklerna har inte bara olika form och utseende. De kan även särskiljas med muskelns fiberriktning.