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The Centre for Digital Humanities - Uppsala University, Sweden

Create New Account. Not Now. Related  Lectures and seminars arranged by the Digital Humanities Uppsala research network (DH Uppsala) at Uppsala University. For more  Zafeiris Avgeris. MA student in Digital Humanities at Uppsala University. Uppsala UniversityUppsala University. Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sverige53 kontakter. Nasrin Mostofian.

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Phone +46 18 471 00 00 e-mail Visiting address: Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7 von Kraemers allé 2 Mail address: Box 256, SE-751 05 UPPSALA Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg. 625 likes · 1 talking about this · 15 were here. CDH provides a platform for the exploration and application of the many 2013-04-01 [en] Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab . James Smithies, King's College London; Carina Westling, King's College London; Anna-Maria Sichani, King's College London; Pam Mellen, King's College Det ger eleverna en skjuts in i framtiden, där förståelse för data och information är vår viktigaste resurs. Inom Biologi, kemi och fysik använder NTI Gymnasiet Uppsala sig av PASCO, ett avancerat verktyg där man med hjälp av sensorer samlar in data för att analysera och behandla den. Hör mer om vår satsning i … The Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) at the University of Gothenburg is a research node that works on exploring and applying the opportunities and perspectives digitalization offer humanists and social scientists.

L Borin, N Tahmasebi, E Volodina,  This seminar, organised by the Centre for Digital Humanities, Uppsala University, will address the ethical and legal aspects of digitisation and  Ämnesområdet digital humaniora – en bro mellan humaniora och Department of ABM, University of Uppsala; Cecilia Lindhé, Centre for Digital Humanities,  Umeå universitet, Humanistiska fakulteten, Humlab. Digital Humanities Uppsala (DH Uppsala), Department of ALM, Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University, Sweden.

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As methods and tools for analysis are increasingly digital, CDHU has the ambition to strengthen DH competence for world leading research and education at Uppsala University. Digital Humanities transcends disciplinary domains and essentially renews the way research and education is conducted. As methods and tools for analysis are increasingly digital, CDHU has the ambition to strengthen DH competence for world leading research and education at Uppsala University. Background.

Digital humanities uppsala

Zafeiris Avgeris - Uppsala University - Uppsala, Uppsala län

The Centre for Digital Humanities aspires to accelerate and support the development of these digital methods, in order to gain new insights in all of the humanities. 2020-08-24 Digital Humanities (DH) refers to the interdisciplinary scientific field that combines information and communication technologies (ICT) with the arts, humanities and social sciences. As methods and tools for analysis are increasingly digital, CDHU has the ambition to strengthen DH competence for world leading research and education at Uppsala University.

Digital humanities uppsala

Organiser: Uppsala University Library Contact person: Karolina Andersdotter; Föreläsning; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), in collaboration with the University of Oxford, is offering 25 spots on a summer school in the digital humanities on 22–26 July. Doctoral students and researchers are welcome to apply. I Sverige i dag finns det liknande enheter i Lund, Umeå, Borås, Göteborg och Uppsala och nu håller det alltså på att bildas ett Centre for Digital Humanities även vid Linnéuniversitetet. Detta efter att ett stort antal forskare i vitt skilda ämnen visade sig så intresserade, att en projektansökan kunde skickas in och som också har beviljas. 1–2 Temporary Senior Lecturers in Digital Humanities at a Scope of 50–100%. Published: 2021-03-1. Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing.
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Digital humanities uppsala

Uppsala University Admissions Research Collaboration The University Students Alumni Library News on digital humanities.

14.15-16.30 i arrangemang av Forum för digital humaniora med Peter Leonard, 2017-11-23 Building a Digital Humanities Lab institutionally within a large library system Building a Digital Humanities Lab institutionally within a large library system Seminarium med Peter Leonard, Director of Yale University Library Digital Humanities Lab, torsdagen den 23 november Centrum för digital humaniora (CDH) vid Göteborgs universitet är en forskningsnod som arbetar för att utforska och tillämpa de möjligheter och perspektiv som digitaliseringen kan erbjuda humanister och samhällsvetare.
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• Digitisation. • Digital archives. • Data literacy. • Digital methods.

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Zafeiris Avgeris - Uppsala University - Uppsala, Uppsala län

The project will be based at the Department of History of Science and Ideas at the University of Uppsala. Symposiet "Digital Humanities: Past Accomplishment, Future Directions" Uppsala universitet - kvalitet, kunskap och kreativitet sedan 1477. Uppsala University - ‪‪Cité(e) 39 fois‬‬ - ‪nlp‬ 11, 2017. Swe-Clarin: Language resources and technology for digital humanities. L Borin, N Tahmasebi,  Published: 31 Dec 2002; Publisher: Uppsala universitet, Centrum för multietnisk forskning; Country: Sweden Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. The Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University (CDHU) was initiated 1 January 2021, and expands upon the activities of the Forum for Digital Humanities (2015–2017) and the Research network DH Uppsala (2018–2020).