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The following supporting information is required: VAT certificate to prove the business is registered for VAT elsewhere in the EU or a certificate to prove taxable status. Memorandum and Articles of Association.
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Industrieterrein Kanaal-Noord 2002 · 3960 Bree · Belgium · Registration no: 0437.126.936 · VAT No: BE0437.126.936. Invoice number + Date + Price without VAT. For US sponsors only: visit the US Community Centre Services (Bldg. 253), you will get the form 151 by providing your Search for information about all Belgian companies, that's more than 3 million registered businesses.
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We are keeping record of your own VAT number and email address that you enter if you decide to receive a PDF print out of the enquiry we’ve made on your behalf.
There are reduced rates of 12%, 6% and 0%. Belgian VAT returns. Companies with a Belgian VAT number must submit
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Belgium (BE) 1234567890 10 characters.
De Belastingdienst raadt u aan deze bevestiging af te drukken en/of op te slaan in uw computer. Zijn je activiteiten aan de btw onderworpen, dan moet je vóór de effectieve start van je activiteiten, maar na de creatie van je ondernemingsnummer in de KBO, de activatie van je ondernemingsnummer bij de btw aanvragen. In principe zal dat gebeuren op datum van de effectieve start van je activiteiten.
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BE – Belgium en – English Version 03/04/2017 19:46:00 1/3 TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (TINs) Country Sheet: Belgium (BE) 1. TIN structure Format Explanation Comment 99999999999 11 digits For the purpose of IT processing, the TIN should be written as a block of 11 digits without any point, space, dash or slash sign 2. TIN description In all EU countries, an EORI number consists of an ISO country code and a maximum of 15 digits number.
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Meestal is dat 01. Je vindt het nummer na de 'B' in je btw-identificatienummer. Als je al eerder een btw-nummer hebt gehad, is het sub-nummer waarschijnlijk 02.